My History: I often think, who am I, and why I am here (on earth). I have started understanding the life after my marriage in 2002. Before this I was just a boy whose motive, as every young boy have, was to have a good job in government sector. I have started my first job in the year 1997 as Stenographer to an Advocate of Rajasthan High Court Jaipur Bench when I was studying in final year of graduation (B.A.). In 2001, I got job as Personal Assistant to Executive Director, Rajasthan Foundation (an autonomous body of Government of Rajasthan), where I got my first time experience of working in government. Before getting the job there, my thought was that government employee need not required to work or they work less and have good status. But after getting the job there, my whole thought was changed, the working environment was really healthy and every person working was of helping nature to each other. We always started working on 10.00 am, really all persons attended the office on sharp time and most of persons worked till 8.00 to 9.00 pm in night without any complaint. Today I have left that organization and working in other government organization a State University, but still the working environment and the officers I met come to my mind Mr. I. S. Kavdia, ISA, Mr. Arvind Mayaram, IAS, Mr. Vinod Ajmer, RAS, Mr. K. K. Sharma, RAS. They all are really dynamic. Quick decision makers.
I dont know Mr. Arvind Mayaram, the then Commissioner of RF, remember this or not, but I still remember this. Once I was working on my table typing something in computer. Mr. Mayaram was visiting the office. I saw him and stood up to give him regards. He asked me to sit and continue with my work and told me that if u are doing your work complete it dont left it in middle. His meaning was just simple that it is not necessary to give regards when you are doing your work, the most important thing is to finish your work in time. Which I still keep in mind.
राजकीय विभाग में कार्य करने का पहला अनुभव मैंने पहले बता दिया है. राजस्थान Foundation में कार्य करने का अपना अलग अनुभव था|
इसके बाद इश्वर की कृपा से जून २००४ में मेरी नौकरी बनस्थली विद्यापीठ, निवाई में लगी. २४ मई २००४ को मुझे इश्वर कृपा के रूप में एक प्यारी सी बेटी मिली. जिसके नसीब से ५ जून २००४ को मैंने बनस्थली विद्यापीठ में आशुलिपिक का पद ग्रहण किया. वह मैंने लगभग दो साल कार्य किया. वहाँ का अनुशासन व मैनेजमेंट का कठोर कण्ट्रोल एक अलग तरह का वातावरण था. महिला University होने के कारण मैनेजमेंट का कठोर होना उचित था. अवकाश के दिन हम क्रिकेट खेलते थे| काम भी काफी एन्जॉय किया. जैसा की कहा जाता है निजी सहायक का जाने का समय तो है, लेकिन आने का समय नहीं| वहां कार्यालय जाने का समय तो था, लेकिन आने में रात के १० से कभी कभी १२-१ भी बज जाते थे|
पद ग्रहण करते ही सबसे पहले मुझे बी.एड. कॉलेज की परीक्षा में कंप्यूटर का कार्य करने के लिए लगाया गया. मेरे साथ वहां के बोहरा साहेब और अन्य सभी अच्छे आदमी थे. बी. एड में प्रवेश हेतु प्राप्त आवेदन पत्रों का डाटा तैयार किया, candidates को डाटा बेस से प्रवेश पत्र भिजवाए, रिजल्ट हाथो हाथ तैयार कर ग्रुप/category के अनुसार declare किया गया| डाटा फीडिंग से लेकर सीट अलोटमेंट तक का सारा कंप्यूटर सम्बन्धी कार्य मेरे द्वारा ही किया गया| वो exam से सम्बन्धी कार्य का मेरा पहला अनुभव था|
लगभग दो-ढाई महीने वहाँ कार्य किया| इसके बाद Director (V.C.) sahib ने उनके कार्यालय में बुला लिया| वह एक अलग माहौल था| Dictation लेना, कंप्यूटर पर हिंदी व इंग्लिश में टाइपिंग करना, फ़ोन अटेंड करना व ऑफिस सम्बन्धी अन्य कार्य जैसे बोम के अजेंडा/ मिनट्स टाइप करना आदि-आदि| वीसी साहब के कार्यालय के साथ साथ जीएडी कार्यालय में भी काम किया. श्री हीरा लाल मित्तल ने काफी काम सिखाया | एक-दो अच्छे मित्र भी बने - श्री बलवीर सिंह राठोड़, श्री अनुज त्यागी, श्री प्रकाश कुमार साहू | There first time, at Banasthali Vidyapeeth, I attended the Convocation of an University, not as a candidate (Ha..Ha..Ha...) but as a staff member. I enjoyed the work and every experience of that moments.
क्रिकेट की एक घटना आज भी याद आती है - वी सी साहब bowling कर रहे थे, सामने श्री जैन batting पर थे| I was the Umpire. बोल श्री जैन के पेड के लगी, भाग कर रन लिया, वी सी साहब ने आउट की appeal करी | मैंने घटना को दिमाग में रिपीट किया व आउट देने के लिये उँगली उठा रहा था, तभी बल्लेबाज श्री जैन ने इशारा किया, व मैंने ऊँगली उठाते - उठाते उससे सिर की टोपी पकड़ कर ठीक करने लगा, यानी नॉट आउट | सभी ने देखा, वी सी साहब ने भी देखा, कि पहले तो आउट के लिये उँगली उठी, लेकिन बाद में क्या हो गया | उन्होंने दुबारा पूछा "आउट है कि नहीं ..." जवाब था "Not out. मैं तो मेरा सिर खुजा रहा था |"
दूसरी घटना है, वी सी साहब बोलिंग कर रहे थे, मैं बटिंग| बोंल सीधी बल्ले के बीचो बीच लगी व सन्नाते हुए तेज गति से सीधी निकली, अचानक वी सी साहब ने अपना पैर बीच में अगंद के पैर की तरह रख दिया, बोंल सीधी उनके पैर पर जोर से लगी, मेरे तो होश ही उड़ गए| "आज तो गए बेटा काम से !" तुरंत बर्फ मंगाई गई, सेक किया गया, पैर काला पड़ गया था, मैं चुपचाप मुजरिम की तरह साइड में खड़ा था| कुछ देर बाद राहत मिलने पर वी सी साहब बोले "It's a part of game वास्तव में बहुत अच्छा शोट था" मेरे मुहं से कोई शब्द नहीं निकले, गेम फिर से शुरू हो गया| लेकिन सीखने को भी मिला...|
Work experience gained from Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur
(i). I have worked on deputation from 27.07.2006 to 23.02.2010 as Private Secretary to Vice Chancellor, Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur
During the above period, in addition to regular work as PS to VC, I have also assisted and worked for -
a. Designing of the Logo of RUHS
b. Task accomplishment as assigned during RPMT-2007, RPMT-2008, Pre PG-2008, Pre DM/M.Ch.-2008
c. Drafted minutes of B.O.M., A.C., Examinations Committee, B.O.S., B.O.I., C.O.C. etc.
d. Coordinates between examination section and computer firm to prepare data of UG & PG students for Degree printing for Convocation-2009
e. Worked in Convocation held on 30 April, 2009.
(ii). During the above period, I have been entrusted upon the charge of Controller of Examinations of Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur from 4 August, 2008 to 12 February, 2009 (6 months) and 28 May, 2009 to 23 June, 2009.
My main aim was to improve the working system of examination department from starting so that each and every work can be completed in due time. Keeping this in mind, first of all I proposed and modified:-
1. the Examinations Forms for U.G. & P.G. to make data easily accessible
2. the Enrolment Form to get whole data of students in a sheet.
My main purpose to revise examination forms and enrolment form is to develop an online enrolment and auto examination system with individual account of every student consisting of each and every details regarding student from enrolment data to examination of last semesters.
3. the Paper setter materials (included more matter on Outer envelope and inner envelope), redesigned and improved the paper for writing questions and instructions by the paper setter.
4. Independently prepared tender documents with secret coding for secrecy press and invited tenders.
5. I observed and started the process of coordination between Conduct Section and Secrecy Section to enable the university to conduct the examinations in time. I made necessary for the Conduct Section that it should ask the Secrecy before issuing time table of examinations regarding availability/preparation of papers so that Secrecy may also get to know about ensuing examinations and can complete preparation in time.
6. On my initiation, to improve the reevaluation system and to declare the reevaluation result in time, University stopped the process of reevaluation of candidates appeared in II attempt with full scheme as there was no clear provision in University rules regarding allowing reevaluation of candidates appeared in II attempt.
7. Prepared design of bilingual degree with the help of A.R. (Exam) for UG and PG and finally degree designed by us was selected by the Degree Preparation Committee.
Consequences of my hard work were as under:-
a. First time Reevaluation result of I MBBS was declared within 15 days from last date of forms submission
b. First time main examination result of MBBS Part II was declared within 15 days from last date of theory examination.
c. First time examinations results of B.Sc. Nursing I, II, III were declared within one month.
d. There were more good consequences but I don't have them in my memory today.
e. It was the hard work of my team during my tenure which resulted in I Convocation of the University on 30 April, 2009.
हमारा तो यही सोचना है कि जिस भी कुर्सी पर बैठो उसकी इज्जत बढ़ाओ, जिससे आपके अफसर की भी इज्जत बढे
आज तक तो ईश्वर ने आशीर्वाद रखा है
हमेशा इज्जत ही कमाई है, जाने के बाद भी साथी कर्मचारी प्यार से ही याद करते है, वही अपनी कमाई है
जहाँ भी बैठे है, कंप्यूटर का ज्ञान हर जगह काम आया है
काम टालना नहीं सीखा, इसलिए दिन-रात हँसते हुए काम किया है
Work experience gained from Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur
(i). I have worked on deputation from 27.07.2006 to 23.02.2010 as Private Secretary to Vice Chancellor, Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur
During the above period, in addition to regular work as PS to VC, I have also assisted and worked for -
a. Designing of the Logo of RUHS
b. Task accomplishment as assigned during RPMT-2007, RPMT-2008, Pre PG-2008, Pre DM/M.Ch.-2008
c. Drafted minutes of B.O.M., A.C., Examinations Committee, B.O.S., B.O.I., C.O.C. etc.
d. Coordinates between examination section and computer firm to prepare data of UG & PG students for Degree printing for Convocation-2009
e. Worked in Convocation held on 30 April, 2009.
(ii). During the above period, I have been entrusted upon the charge of Controller of Examinations of Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur from 4 August, 2008 to 12 February, 2009 (6 months) and 28 May, 2009 to 23 June, 2009.
My main aim was to improve the working system of examination department from starting so that each and every work can be completed in due time. Keeping this in mind, first of all I proposed and modified:-
1. the Examinations Forms for U.G. & P.G. to make data easily accessible
2. the Enrolment Form to get whole data of students in a sheet.
My main purpose to revise examination forms and enrolment form is to develop an online enrolment and auto examination system with individual account of every student consisting of each and every details regarding student from enrolment data to examination of last semesters.
3. the Paper setter materials (included more matter on Outer envelope and inner envelope), redesigned and improved the paper for writing questions and instructions by the paper setter.
4. Independently prepared tender documents with secret coding for secrecy press and invited tenders.
5. I observed and started the process of coordination between Conduct Section and Secrecy Section to enable the university to conduct the examinations in time. I made necessary for the Conduct Section that it should ask the Secrecy before issuing time table of examinations regarding availability/preparation of papers so that Secrecy may also get to know about ensuing examinations and can complete preparation in time.
6. On my initiation, to improve the reevaluation system and to declare the reevaluation result in time, University stopped the process of reevaluation of candidates appeared in II attempt with full scheme as there was no clear provision in University rules regarding allowing reevaluation of candidates appeared in II attempt.
7. Prepared design of bilingual degree with the help of A.R. (Exam) for UG and PG and finally degree designed by us was selected by the Degree Preparation Committee.
Consequences of my hard work were as under:-
a. First time Reevaluation result of I MBBS was declared within 15 days from last date of forms submission
b. First time main examination result of MBBS Part II was declared within 15 days from last date of theory examination.
c. First time examinations results of B.Sc. Nursing I, II, III were declared within one month.
d. There were more good consequences but I don't have them in my memory today.
e. It was the hard work of my team during my tenure which resulted in I Convocation of the University on 30 April, 2009.
हमारा तो यही सोचना है कि जिस भी कुर्सी पर बैठो उसकी इज्जत बढ़ाओ, जिससे आपके अफसर की भी इज्जत बढे
आज तक तो ईश्वर ने आशीर्वाद रखा है
हमेशा इज्जत ही कमाई है, जाने के बाद भी साथी कर्मचारी प्यार से ही याद करते है, वही अपनी कमाई है
जहाँ भी बैठे है, कंप्यूटर का ज्ञान हर जगह काम आया है
काम टालना नहीं सीखा, इसलिए दिन-रात हँसते हुए काम किया है