Friday, October 14, 2011

Mr. SRK Says right regarding Print Media in todays reference

श्रीमान शाहरुख खान साहब ने प्रिंट मीडिया के बारे में वर्तमान परिस्थितियों को देखते हुये सही कहा है|  अखबार में किसी भी खबर के दोनों पहलु छापे जाने चाहिए, लेकिन हेडिंग से लेकर समाचार ऐसे छापे जाते है कि आम आदमी चटकारे लेकर पढ़े लेकिन उस घटना के सारे पहलुओं से अनजान रहे|  जबकि एक समाचार पत्र कि यह जिम्मेदारी होनी चाहिए कि वो किसी भी खबर के सारे पहलुओं के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करके ही खबर छापे|  उस खबर से पीड़ित हुए या होने वाले के बारे मे भी छापे|  क्योंकि हर चीज के दो पहलु होते है| जब तक हर चीज को अच्छी तरह से नहीं समझा जाए किसी के बारे में भी सही विचार बनाना सम्भव नहीं है| 

Mr. SRK says right about Print Media.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Principal Private Secretary, Private Secretary, Sr. Personal Assistant, Personal Assistant, Stenographer nature of work

Some specific points about nature of work of Stenographer, Personal Assistant, Private Secretary

Some points are common for all above posts but some are specific for higher grade posts.

1.To keep record of incoming/outgoing dak, files/registers etc. to keep filing upto date to fix appointments, to arrange meetings and collect information desired by the Officer, to deal in a tactful manner with visitors and to attend telephone calls with courtesy;

2. To maintain confidentiality and secrecy;

3. To take dictation in shorthand and to transcribe/type it accurately;

4. To maintain a list of officers (with their official as well as residential telephones and addresses) with whom the officer is likely to have official dealings;

5. To keep an accurate list of engagements, meetings, etc. and remind the officer in time and to make available to him all the necessary papers for such engagements/meetings;

6. To maintain a proper order of the papers required to be dealt with by the officer and to bring to his notice, the papers/cases which requires immediate attention;

7. To destroy by burning the stenographic/notes of the confidential/secret nature after they have been typed;

8. To keep track of the progress of cases/matters till these are finally disposed of;

9. To keep reference books, rules, ordinances, statutes, etc. upto date;

10. To keep note about date marked by officer to put up/call back the files again. 

11. To pursue the departments/sections to take action as per decisions taken in Board of Governors/Management and put up the action taken report to the officers at the earliest.  

12. To pursue the departments/sections to draft and get finalize the minutes of meetings in time. 

13. To keep note of agenda items pointed out by officers on different files for including them by concerned departments/sections in various related meetings' agenda.

14. To pursue the concerned departments/sections to prepare agenda items/notes in time to send the various members.

15. To perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time in relation to the functions assigned to immediate boss/officer.

The work of Principal Private Secretary/Private Secretary is of monitoring nature.  Excepts other points mentioned above, mainly points Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14 are to be performed by PPS/PS under the directions of immediate boss.

Some Reference links:

एक बहुत ही साधारण बात लेकिन महत्वपूर्ण बात "निजी सचिव, वरिष्ट निजी सचिव अधिकारी के कान और आँखों के रूप मे काम करने चाहिए (विशेष बात ये कि यदि अधिकारी चाहे तो ही) |  उन्हें अधिकारी की तरफ  से कुछ नहीं कहना चाहिए, वे केवल अपने साथियों की बाते सुनकर शिकायत रूप में नहीं, केवल इसी रूप मे अधिकारी को बताना चाहिए कि ऑफिस किसी बात को लेकर क्या सोचता है, और ऑफिस के अधिकतर स्टाफ की उस बिंदु पर क्या राय है|  निजी सचिव, निजी सहायक को किसी का नाम लेकर कोई बात नहीं कहनी चाहिये|  उसे अपनी व अपने अधिकारी की कुर्सी के प्रति पूर्णतः  वफादार होना ही चाहिए|  संस्था का हित सर्वोपरी होना चाहिए|